Title: Corrupt
Author: Penelope Douglas
Series: none
Genre: new adult, dark, contemporary romance
I was told that dreams were our heart’s desires. My nightmares, however, became my obsession.
His name is Michael Crist.
My boyfriend’s older brother is like that scary movie that you peek through your hand to watch. He is handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college’s basketball team and now gone pro, he’s more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me.
But I noticed him.
I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid…For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away.
Now, I’ve graduated high school and moved on to college, but I haven’t stopped watching Michael. He’s bad, and the dirt I’ve seen isn’t content to stay in my head anymore.
Because he’s finally noticed me.
Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika.
My brother’s girlfriend grew up hanging around my house and is always at our dinner table. She looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. I can always feel the fear rolling off of her, and while I haven’t had her body, I know that I have her mind. That’s all I really want anyway.
Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone at college.
In my city.
The opportunity is too good to be true as well as the timing. Because you see, three years ago she put a few of my high school friends in prison, and now they’re out.
We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true.
***Corrupt is a stand-alone dark romance with no Cliffy***
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
**4.5 little monster stars**
“We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true. ”

Corrupt is one of the few books which had me glued to my kindle all day long! It’s intense suspenseful filled plot made it hard to put it down and while I was reading it, I had a full blown anxiety attacks every now and then. This being my first book from Penelope Douglas I was warned about how much she loves to torture her readers with the angst filled story but with Corrupt she has outdone herself in that area. I remember getting chills when I first read that blurb which sounds like a revengeful storyline with shady characters. Well, call me a glutton to misery but I had to, had to read this tale of vengeance.
And trust me, it was totally worth it! This book broke me, made it hard to breathe, left me palpitating and mostly gave a huge book hangover. Get ready to meet the twisted characters whom you would love to hate and get tangled in the web of emotions making you question everything you know about love and romance. Are you ready to be CORRUPTED yet??
Erika Fane wants to start fresh leaving the comfort of people around her to move to a place where she doesn’t have to depend on anyone but her. Her family and Crists have not only been business associates but friends for as long as she remembers, after her father’s death and when her mother buries herself in grief and sorrow, Erika was welcomed to stay with Crists which becomes her second home. Ever since Erika and Trevor Crist were kids they were pushed together by their parents hoping for a relationship ultimately leading them to bind the two families together. But Rika’s heart beat for Trevor’s intimidating, enigmatic older brother Michael Crist, he was polar opposite of Trevor in every possible way. If Trevor hover over Rika all the time, Michael looked past her or so she thinks. But one night he did notice her, one night three years ago is where it all started.

Michael along with three of his best friends were called the ‘Four Horsemen’, Thunder Bay’s most notorious favorite bad boys- they ruled the student body, they were untouchable, vibrant, reckless and everyone idolized them. They graduated a long time ago from the high school and now they are back to cause havoc on Devil’s Night. On this very night Michael finally indulges her with their pranks, not because he finally started noticing her but he wanted her to embrace her true self, to be carefree, wild and reckless just like them. And this mistake of his cost his friends their freedom. And after three long years of waiting and plotting he sets his plan in motion, he has her where he wants her to be, away and alone from her hometown and under his spell.
If the author’s intention was to scare the shit out of her readers, then she totally nailed it!! I was in agony of worry for Rika and what’s in store for her.
With its captivating yet disturbing storyline, this book consumed every thought and controlled my emotions right from the beginning.
Said from dual POV, Corrupt is cleverly interwoven between the past and present building up enormous anticipation making you edgy and addictive at the same time. It contains some sort of mind games, intoxicating lust and seduction between the MC’s which might make you uncomfortable but it’s written with such intensity that, you will be drawn to their unrequited love against your better judgement. Penelope Douglas has written a very well developed, complex characters and intriguing story which will leave you begging for more, and I can’t believe I haven’t read anything from her before!
Lastly, holy mother of hotness!!! the hot scenes she wrote in this story is just waiting to put your kindle on fire and certain sex scene this book offered was one of the best I’ve read! FYI @84% *wink wink*
**ARC kindly provided by the author, for an honest review.**

I fell back to my feet and crept through my apartment as I listened to the pounding that had now become a steady attack. My feet followed the sound, stepping absently closer to it, and I finally pressed my ear against the wall leading to my hallway, my heart racing as the vibrations touched my skin.
Resting my cheek against the surface, I swallowed the tight lump in my throat as the thumping against the wall grew faster and faster.
There was someone over there. In the empty apartment.
Holding up my phone, I dialed the office downstairs but got no answer. I knew there was a night manager named Simon Something-Or-Other, but I didn’t think many people were on duty at night. He must be away from his desk.
I continued listening, wondering if I could ignore it and just wait until morning to ask the manager about it, but the further down the hall I travelled, the louder it got until I was standing next to the rear entrance.
Opening up the door, I peeked my head into the hallway, holding the heavy steel exit open just enough to inspect.
Glancing to my right, I saw a door just like mine. And then I heard a woman’s high-pitched cry ring out around me, and I started breathing harder.
And then there was another cry. And another, and another, and…
Was she having sex? My mouth fell open as I tried not to laugh.
Oh, my God.
But I thought the place was supposed to be empty.
I stepped out, knife in hand—just in case—and walked quietly down to the other door, glancing up and seeing small security cameras along the wall, probably installed when the apartments were built.
Pressing my ear to the door, I listened, still hearing the thump, thump, thump of something hitting the wall, and the girl’s breathy cries over and over again.
I folded my lips between my teeth, covering my smile with my free hand.
But then the woman cried out. “No! Ah, oh, God! Please!”
And my face fell, hearing the fear in her voice. The short, shrill screams were now different. Panicked and scared, and her cries sounded struggled. My mouth suddenly went dry as I stood there listening.
“Ah!” she cried out again. “No, please stop!”
I backed away from the door, not finding it funny anymore.
But then something hit the door from the other side, making a loud thud, and I scurried backward. “Oh, shit,” I gritted out under my breath.
I shot my head up to the cameras, now wondering if they fed to Security downstairs or to whoever was inside the apartment. Did they know I was out here?
I spun around and dashed for my door, grabbing the handle and trying to twist it.
But it was locked. “Dammit!” I mouthed. Fucking thing must lock automatically.
Another thud hit the door, mere feet away from me—so close—and I darted my eyes over to it, my breathing turning fast and painful.
I pulled on the door handle again, twisting and yanking, but it didn’t budge.
Another thud hit the door, and I jerked upright, dropping the knife.
I dived down to pick it up, but just then I heard the other door swing open, so I bolted down the stairwell, hiding behind the wall and forgetting about the knife.
Screw this. Whoever was coming out of the vacant apartment was definitely someone I didn’t want to meet. I dashed down flight after flight, a cry lodged in my throat as fear gripped my chest.
A pounding echoed above me, and I spared a quick glance upward, seeing a hand sliding down the railings as whoever it was jumped flights of stairs.
Oh, my God. I raced down, one flight after the other, a drop of sweat gliding down my neck. The pounding was getting closer and closer, my legs about to give out as my exhausted muscles worked as fast as they could. I gasped, seeing the door labeled LOBBY. I yanked it open and burst through, looking behind me once again to see if he—or she—was behind me.
But then I slammed into a wall, and I let out a small cry as hands gripped my upper arms.
I looked up and exhaled a breath, seeing Michael Crist towering over me, his eyes narrowed.
“Michael?” I breathed out, frozen in confusion.
“What the hell are you doing?” He arched a brow and set me back, away from him, and let go of my arm. “It’s after one a.m.”
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Why was he here?
He stood in front of an elevator, a different one than I had taken this morning, dressed in a black suit, looking like he’d just been at a club or something. A young brunette stood next to him, beautiful in a tight, navy-blue cocktail dress that fell mid-thigh.
I suddenly felt exposed, dressed in my silk sleep shorts and black tank top, my hair hanging about, probably in tangles.
“I…” I looked over my shoulder again, noticing that whoever had followed me down the stairs hadn’t come out the door yet.
I twisted my head back, looking up at Michael. “I heard something up on my floor,” I told him.
And then I shook my head, still confused. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here,” he shot back, and I immediately recognized that ever-present intolerant tone that he always used with me.
“Live here?” I questioned. “I thought you lived in your family’s building.”
He slid a hand into his pocket and cocked his head, looking at me point-blank like I was stupid.
I closed my eyes, expelling a sigh. “Of course,” I breathed out, realization hitting. “Of course. You’re the one who lives on the twenty-second floor.”
Penelope Douglas is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Fall Away series.
She dresses for autumn year round, loves anything lemon flavored, and believes there is too much blood in her Coca Cola stream. Or too much Coca Cola in her blood stream. Or...
You know what? It doesn't matter. She loves Coke. Now you know.
She lives in Las Vegas with her husband and daughter.
The giveaway is international and ends at 11:59 PM CST 12/15/2015.
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Awesome review! I can't wait to read this!!