June 12, 2016

Review: Dirty Ties by Pam Godwin

Title: Dirty Ties
Author: Pam Godwin
Series: none
Genre: contemporary romance

I race to finance it.
I evade to protect it.
I kill to attain it.
I planned everything.

Except her.
The alluring, curvaceous blonde at the finish line.
With sapphire eyes that cheat and lie.
Whose powerful family murdered mine.

I hate her.
I want her.

I know she’s hiding something.
But so am I.

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Dirty Ties by Pam Godwin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


I’m in the minority. AGAIN!! I’m soon becoming the bitch lady who hates/ dislikes/voices unpopular opinion of the book everyone loved :’(

Anyway let’s get down to business…I was so looking forward to read this book since it had been raved about plus I never read anything from this author before so with full enthusiasm I picked ‘Dirty Ties’ for our BR. But….. I didn’t really enjoy it as much as I hoped!

I love bikes, love the thrill about speeding, going to any extent to win the race like your entire life depends on winning, Just love everything about racing. In fact I spent better half of my childhood playing this…


Imagine my arousal excitement when mysteries underground racer Evader was introduced. That man oozes of sex! His mere badass attitude had me hooked for a while but my excitement died pretty soon.

The story started with one man's thirst for revenge but everything was just been “said” and “done”, this story somehow only executed the final plan but corruption, deceit, greed, political power and path to revenge was placed conveniently to give enough substance to the story; something like I watch a cookery show and all I get to see is the chef setting up his dish for final presentation while blabbering about how he made it and never showed it!! (I know my analogy sucks! Just making a point)

I’m a huge sucker for enemies to lovers plot but I felt the MC’s connection to be one dimensional based purely on lust. All I got was they had a let’s-rip-each-other’s clothes-and fuck-body, but nothing about how they fell in love or what they saw in each other?! In just one night they spent in the hotel room screwing each other for hours they made a unspeakable connection that, Logan was

[willing to give up his lifelong vengeance of bringing down the people responsible for killing his mother just for the woman he had sex the first night he met and almost confessing his love and spilling his guts on fifth day and planning their future on day thirty?!]

I signed up for a badass alpha male biker not a love struck boy! Once I predicted the story which was the time when Logan stepped in Trent’s office with his offer, I lost interest in the story soon after and got distracted easily. I must have watched several movies in between before I finished this book, not even Pam Godwin’s beautiful writing was enough to hold my attention for longer duration.

Ok, It didn’t suck that bad! I liked some scenes too like the snake prank, the infamous elevator ride and my favorite one where Logan, Kaci and Collin were in same room *winks*

Buddy read with bestie Eda♥♥

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