Title: The Hooker and the Hermit
Author: L.H. Cosway, Penny Reid
Series: Rugby #1
Genre: contemporary romance
New York’s Finest Blogging as *The Socialmedialite* April 22 LADIES AND GENTS! I have an announcement!
You know that guy I featured on my blog a few months ago? The really, really hot Irish rugby player who plays the position of ‘hooker’ in the RLI (Rugby League International)? The one with the anger management issues, the body of a gladiator and the face of a movie star? The one with the questionable fashion choices leading me to ask whether he was the lovechild of a leprechaun and a hobbit? Ronan Fitzpatrick? Yeah, that guy.
Well, I have a confession to make…
Annie Catrel, social media expert extraordinaire at Davidson & Croft Media and clandestine celebrity blogger, can make anyone shine in the court of public opinion. She is the Socialmedialite, anonymous creator of New York’s Finest and the internet’s darling. Virtual reality is Annie’s forte, but actual reality? Not so much.
Ronan Fitzpatrick, aka the best hooker the world of rugby has seen in decades, despises the media—social or otherwise. The press has spun a web of lies depicting him as rugby’s wild and reckless bad boy. Suspended from his team, Ronan has come to Manhattan to escape the drama, lay low, fly under the radar. Only, Ronan isn’t easy to overlook, and he can’t escape the notice of the Socialmedialite…
When Ronan is sent to Davidson & Croft Media to reshape his public image, he never expects to cross paths with shy but beautiful Annie, nor does he expect his fierce attraction to her. He couldn’t be happier when her boss suggests pairing them together.
What lengths will Annie take to keep her virtual identity concealed? And what happens when the hooker discovers who the hermit really is?
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The Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, it took me a long time to finish it and a longer time to write this review. No, it’s not because I couldn't find the right words, but I had a hard time RATING it, The thing is I’ve become a picky reader aka “that bitch! Who always finds flaws and can’t just fucking enjoy what she reads”. Yup, that’s me and if you have read my previous reviews you’d know I’m not the one to overlook the flaws or to generously rate a book!
Probably you’re wondering why I’m saying all this, since there are tons of 5 stars flying around for this particular book and it's easily been loved by almost all! Well...that’s because I had certain ISSUES with it...

Ok, ok...Just hear me out! I was THIS close to dnf’ing and now since I finished it, I can’t seem to decide how to rate it! And it's all because of one hot Irish rugby player-RONAN FITZPATRICK.
Here's the front row view of what went on inside my head, prior to rating it '4 stars'!
Well…it was a cute story but...clichéd in my opinion, plus I got distracted a lot, and there was this one time I wanted to dnf it sooo...I think I’ll rate it less.
“Dearest Annie, Roses are red. Violets are blue. I’m using my hand But I’m thinking of you.
- Ronan
P.S. Just to clarify, I’m using my hand to write this note...get your mind out of the gutter.”
*grins* Admit it, he was charming and he had one helluva dirty mouth, left you all hot and bothered couple of times, ok! many times but still...the story was kinda slow and dragged few times with the inner monologues, also there was this mommy drama, too much of push and pull between the MC’s. Oh wait! That mediocre kinky element which came out of nowhere just didn’t work out for me! So imma rate it less.
“For that speech, love, you get a bonus orgasm.”
*Rolls eyes* Agree, he was smart, funny, possessive, protective , a perfect boyfriend material but what is with his nickname-Mother Fitzpatrick!! ….I kinda like it though *giggles*
“Oh, fuck no. That’s not happening,” “Though I won’t object to your calling me Daddy.”
You think you’re so, so....
“Dashingly handsome? I know, it’s such a burden.”
I don’t think your cockiness will score any points with me! (it totally will!)
"If you can’t loosen up, we’re going to stop here, and I’ll make you relax by giving you a back massage…or an orgasm."
I think, I threw up a little bit!!
"I prefer a woman who swallows, but spitting doesn't bother me much."
That’s it, I give up!! There is no winning with you.
Now you get my conflict! I have come across so many characters like Ronan before- bossy, funny, cocky, dirty talking charmer but nobody made me change my mind about rating. He is so...Ronan, he’s one of a kind and I don’t regret thinking from my lady parts and rating it higher because I was smiling from ear to ear when I read the epilogue and had a happy feeling by the time I finished it, that’s what matters right?
Not just Ronan, I liked Annie too! she was sweet, adorable, smart, a perfect hermit and loved her alter ego witty Socialmedialite, loved reading her snarky sarcastic posts. I had so many laugh out loud moments with their banters.
Those who are yet to read it or sitting on it, you’ve no idea what you are missing out!! I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum so if you DNF or rate it low I totally understand it. Just give it a try, you might find your next book boyfriend here *winks*.

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