Title: Owning Arabella
Author: Shirl Anders
Series: none
Genre: historical romance
Arabella is gambled by her stepfather in a card game and won by the fiercely scarred Lord Darth Peregrine. A man who believes that no woman could desire him.
Lord Peregrine holds Arabella captive to his desires and she becomes the one woman that doesn't cringe in distaste of his scarred visage. He is the lord and master. In the end Lord Peregrine saves Arabella's young brother ... and he saves himself. This story is an erotic regency romance with Gothic darkness and a happily-ever-after.
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This should have been full-length novel to make it more enjoyable because the ending seemed rushed and you don't get time to connect with the characters. Nevertheless, the story was steamy enough to keep you engaged! plus it offers more than you normally expect from a novella.
Will be definitely reading more from this author for sure! Going with 3.5 stars ⭐️
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