Title: Sweet Child O'Mine
Author: Lexi Blake
Series: Masters & Mercenaries
Genre: contemporary romance
A look into the life at McKay-Taggart on the day Charlie and Ian have their babies. a Masters & Mercenaries extra

Sweet Child O' Mine by Lexi Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 kick a little ass STARS
I can't remember the last time I was so deliriously happy about 31 pages. The babies are here and it was a glorious look into captain sarcasm's mind.
Mostly because of this:
“You've got your 'worried dad' face on.”
“I don't have one of those.”
“You do. It's a little like your 'I'm going to murder someone' face but slightly less happy.”
A lot of this:
“He needed more fear from his employees. He should begin routine beatings. Yes, that would make him feel better. He could randomly beat the shit out of people, and then he would have the illusion of control.”
But mostly this:
“Why did his sperm have to be overachieving? Two babies? Three girls. He was going to be so overwhelmed.”
Yup, he still is my favourite sarcastic super dom. Please never change, Ian!
This little gem can't be bought. You get it for FREE by subscribing to Lexi Blake's NEWS LETTER!
Off to get my hands on the Sweet Seduction Box Set...
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