Title: Dark Notes
Author: Pam Godwin
Series: none
Genre: contemporary romance, dark, bdsm
They call me a slut. Maybe I am.
Sometimes I do things I despise.
Sometimes men take without asking.
But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan.
With one obstacle.
Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take.
He seizes my will power and bangs it like a dark note.
When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything.
I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments.
He’s my obsession, my master, my music.
And my teacher.
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Dark Notes by Pam Godwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 **masterpiece** STARS
“We're a timeless concerto. A musical masterpiece.”
That was beautiful, heart breaking and scorching hot. Dark Notes was not my first Pam Godwin book, but still I was surprised by the quality of her writing and her ability to really captivate me with a slightly dark forbidden love story. Really pleasantly surprised.
Dark Notes is a standalone student-teacher book, with some darker elements, such as abuse and BDSM. It’s not too severe, but the heroine has a history of sexual abuse and the relationship between Ivory and Emric is definitely D/s.
Let’s talk story...

“He seems untouchable. Maybe his fists are as brutal as his beauty. Just looking at him feels like I’m inhaling a lungful of fire.”
Ivory has a gift. She is one of the best piano players of her age. She goes to a rather fancy high school for the arts, but her education comes with a lot of sacrifices. Her tuition was paid for by her father years ago, but since his death her family lives in complete poverty and to make ends meet Ivory has found other ways to pay the bills for her absentee mother and her abusive brother. To say the last years have been a struggle is an understatement. I was hurting for her just reading about it.
But things start to look up. A new school year brings her a new mentor and musical studies teacher. Mr. Emeric Marceaux, a man who has fallen from grace at his last school. His sexual proclivities came to light and he was half thrown out of his job. Le Moyne is his last chance and he intends to keep a clean slate.
That is until he sees Ivory. From the first moment she steps foot into his classroom there is an undeniable attraction between the two. Both have a very hard time ignoring the chemistry, but a lot is at stake for both their futures. What could possibly go wrong?

“She’s exactly the kind of woman I’m drawn to. A woman who flees when hunted and comes alive when she’s caught. A woman who bends beneath punishments and seeks acceptance in her humiliation. A woman who bites at a heavy hand, only to melt around the unforgiving grip when it cuts her air.”
Dark Notes is written in dual POV. And I have to say the first chapter in Emeric's voice really sold me on the story and Ms. Godwin's writing. Both viewpoints have very distinct voices, but the scene when Emeric first talks with the school dean gave me goosebumps. He is a very enigmatic and decisive character. For all intents and purposes the evil bad boy, but once he really sees Ivory's struggle he becomes this knight in shining armour and it is glorious. If you are looking for a really well written alpha male you might want to check this one out. Ivory is equally amazing as a character. Resilient, in charge of her own life and determined to make her dreams come true.
I can't mention enough how much I love the poetic writing in this book. I was reading very slowly so I could savour every word, really immerse myself in this beautiful story and on top of that I loved the way she used music to describe the journey.
Really a well rounded book all around. Sexy, poignant, scorching hot and so very moving. I'm a new fan.
**ARC very kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
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